How do I choose between guest rates and payout rates?
Some users prefer to manage their Your.Rentals account around the amount that guests will pay. Others prefer to think about it in terms of the money they will receive after fees.
To allow you full control over setting your rates, we allow you to input your Rates in two different ways.
Defining the Gross amount (the price the guest will pay).
Defining the Payout amount you wish to receive after fees - this is the default setting.
Inputting Gross amount
The default setting is to input the Gross amount. This is the price that the Guest will see in all sales channels when viewing and booking your property. Some sales channels add a guest booking fee on top of your rates, which is added to your Gross amount.
When you input Gross amount, we calculate deductions to cover sales channel commissions, credit card fees, Your.Rentals commissions etc... to arrive at your Net amount. In the places you input your rates (Basic rates and Special rates pages) we'll calculate and show you the Net amount based upon the Gross amount you input.
When you choose to input your desired Net amount, we'll add mark-up to cover sales channel commissions, credit card fees, Your.Rentals commissions etc... to arrive at the Guest price.
In the places you input your rates (Basic rates and Special rates pages) we'll calculate and show you the Gross amount based upon the Net amount you input.
Note: All bookings are charged to the Guest in EUR, while your payout will be sent in your preferred currency. Therefore there may be small rounding discrepancies due to currency exchange differences when finalising your Net amount.
Changing your Rates input preference
If you wish to change your Rates input preference, follow the steps below. Your selection will be saved and used whenever you are inputting Rates.

Navigate to the Edit profile page
Find the field Rates input preference
Click the link Change preference
Choose your preferred Rates input preference and Save
If you change your Rates input preference, all of your Rates inputs will be re-calculated, so that the rate to Guests remains the same.