Business identification numbers

How do business identification numbers work?

When you apply for Business Verification, we will ask you for your Company Registration Number and a Tax ID number. This is to assist us in our process of business verification.
 Read more about why we need to verify your company.

Company Registration Number

Your Company Registration Number must be a nationally issued unique registration number for your business. It must be able to be verified via a public website.

Tax ID Number

Your Tax ID Number should be a nationally issued VAT or Tax identification number for your company.
In the EU, this should have a format that includes a country code. To check that your EU VAT number is correct, you can input it into the VIES website to verify that it is correct.
In the US, this should be your TIN (Taxpayer Identification Number) that is issued to your company which you can read more about here.
For other countries, please check the appropriate type of number and format on this Wikipedia article.