How do I import my listing from another website?
If you're already using Airbnb, HomeAway/Vrbo, or Tripadvisor to list your property you can add it to Your.Rentals quickly and easily using our Listing Importer. This means you don't have to create a listing from scratch - we'll take all the information in your existing listing and use it to create a listing in Your.Rentals. All you need to do is check through it to make sure it's correct, and boom - you've got a new listing in Your.Rentals that you can share to whichever vacation rentals websites you choose. The whole process takes about two minutes and is really easy 😎
Please note: This feature only imports your listing content and does not synchronise with the channel. This means that any changes you make to the listing on Your.Rentals at a later date will not be copied to the original website, and vice versa. It's not possible to import reviews or booking history.

How to import a listing
Just go to your Listings page and click Add new listing. You'll be given the option to create a new listing, copy an existing listing, or Copy your listing from another website. Choose the Copy your Listing option.

Select the website you'd like to import your listing from

You'll be guided through the import process for your chosen channel. The whole thing should take no more than a minute or two.

Check through the listing by clicking on the builder steps to make sure you're happy with it, make any necessary changes and select the channels you would like to publish your listing on. Then you're ready to publish your listing!
Remember, your listing will not be online until you publish it.
Important to know
Because this property is already being listed on another website, we will automatically turn OFF the channel in your Channel Manager. This means that you will need to use your existing Airbnb, HomeAway/Vrbo, or Tripadvisor account to manage your property there. You can use Your.Rentals to manage this property for all other websites.
As you will still be using your account on the original website to manage this property, you should set up Calendar Sync. This means that any bookings you receive on the channel will be added to your Your.Rentals calendar, and vice versa. To find out how to set up Calendar Sync and avoid double bookings, check out this collection.
In particular you should read the article on Synchronising with other channels.
Good luck and happy building! 👍