How do I view the status of my listings?
Your Listings page is your first port of call when it comes to understanding and managing the status of your listings. You can easily see which listings are published and when, and how to get any paused listings back online.
You can view your listings either as a grid or a list by using the selector in the top right hand corner:

You can also filter to view all your listings, or only the listed or unlisted ones depending on your preference. This is also where you'll find the option to add a new listing.
Over on the left, you can use the search bar to find a particular listing based on name, ID or location.

The text on the listing cover photo will tell you when your listing was last updated. This is when you last changed the content of your listing, or when there was a change to your channels, for example when you were last connected to a new channel. To see when your calendar was last updated, go to your Calendar Page.

Below each listing you can see the status, and when this status changed. You can also see how to reactivate any listings that are currently offline.

Clicking on the listing name or photograph will take you to the Edit Listing page.
You can also use the options below the listing to view your calendar, edit your listing, view your channels and bookings and more!