A new version of Your.Rentals has just been released!
- Booking and listings page:
- Performance improvements to make pages significantly faster for customers with high volume of bookings and large portfolios.
- Pages now have infinite scroll to help optimizing the experience
- Booking CSV: Downloading bookings history to CSV files will also be a lot faster.
- Payout methods: Your bank account will no longer show in the App. Even Your.Rentals won't even know your bank account anymore. We want to make sure that your bank account is safe with you and you only.
- Collaborator: You can now choose to share your guest's phone number to your Collaborators for better check-in experience.
- Booking review: You will now be redirected to the exact review when you open it from the email.
- Our business customers can now try our latest feature: Multi Account:
- With this feature, you can add more accounts to just one singe log in method.
- You can easily manage your listings in different accounts and add different payout methods for different listings.
- Accounts can easily be managed in the Management page in the Settings.
Please contact your account manager for more details!