How does the Your.Rentals Calendar work?
The Your.Rentals Calendar has a lot of advanced features while being easy to use. Here's an overview of the Calendar so you can familiarise yourself with it.

A: Listing switcher: if you have more than one listing, you can switch between the Calendars here.
B: Calendar sync: access the Calendar sync features here.
C: Month switcher: switch months using the drop-down selector or arrows.
D: Manual booking: a booking that has been added manually by you.
E: Confirmed booking: a booking confirmed through Your.Rentals sales channels.
F: Booking request: a guest has requested to book these dates (and paid) and is waiting your confirmation.
G: Imported booking: a booking imported from another calendar via Calendar sync.
H: Conflicting bookings: an imported booking conflicts with a confirmed booking.
I : Single/ Multi-listing switcher: switch this button to view the calendar of each listing (single listing) or all of them (multi-listing).