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  2. Building your listing

Publish your listing

How do I publish my listing?

Once you have completed all required content, you are able to publish your listing.

Publishing your listing

You are able to publish your listing from two places:

  • In the Listing Builder, once you have completed all required fields the Preview & Publish button appears on the left and at the bottom of the page - click the button and then click Publish my listing now.

  • In the Listings page, once you have completed all required fields the Preview & Publish button appears next to the Listing - click the button and then click Publish my listing now.

Steps to publish your listing

  1. Select your listing type: Request Booking or Instant Booking. For details of the different booking types, refer to this article.

  2. If you have not verified your email address, you'll be prompted to do this now. Click the link to send a new verification email to your registered email address

  3. If you have not verified your mobile phone number, you'll be prompted to do this now. Enter your mobile phone country and number, and we'll send you a PIN code by SMS. Enter the PIN code into the page to continue.

  4. Your listing is published and will soon start appearing online.

Once you've published a listing we'll start sharing it to your selected channels. Depending on the channel this could take a little while. Your listing will start appearing online within 24 hours. In some rare cases this can take up to 30 days for some channels. Read more about how the channel manager works here.

Next steps

After listing a new property, we strongly recommend that you complete the following.