How do I offer a discount to guests who book a long time before check-in?
Early bird bookings are those made a long time before the check-in date. Encourage your Guests to book in advance by offering Early bird discounts. Set your rule and we'll update your discounts each day as the Early bird time rules shift.

Adding Early bird discounts
On the Discounts page, click Add last minute/early bird.
In the Early bird section, choose the time rule (Example: Bookings made more than 6 months before check-in)
Enter the percentage discount you are willing to offer for Early bird bookings. The discount will be applied to the nightly rates for these dates.
Click Save rule.
You will see a new card for the added Early bird discount.
Editing Early bird discounts
On the Discounts page, click the Edit button on the Early bird card that you wish to edit.
Enter the new discount value as a percentage discount.
Save rule
Your cards will be updated to reflect your change.
Deleting Early bird discounts
On the Discounts page, click the Delete icon on the Early bird card that you wish to delete.
Confirm your action.
Your cards will be updated to reflect your change.
If more than one discount applies we only apply the one that gives the guest the largest saving. Read more about multiple discounts here.