How do I add or remove a booking on a shared calendar?
If you've been given Edit access by a Property Manager, that means you'll be able to add bookings or blocked dates to a property calendar. This means that those dates will no longer be available for guests to book.
To do this, log in to your Collaborator account by visiting
Select which listing calendar you'd like to view by using the drop-down menu at the top of the page.

To add a booking or block dates, select an empty date in the Calendar.

You'll see a pop up which allows you to input the details for the booking or blocked dates.
The Property Manager will receive an email whenever you add a booking or block dates.
To edit or delete a booking you've added, just click it to open the menu.
You can't edit or delete a booking added by somebody else.
If you don't have Edit access, you will still be able to view the calendar, but will not be able to make any changes to it. If you want to be able to edit the calendar, the Property Manager will need to change your permission settings.