Most common questions for guests regarding registration in Italy
Why are travellers asked to provide their personal information?
A: The principal objective is to permanently increase public safety in tourist areas and provide a safer environment for visitors during their stay in Italy. -
If travelling in a group, are data required about all group/family members?
A: Yes, the data about all group/family members is required. -
Which law requires this?
A: Decree 16 September 2021:Servizio Alloggiati - Polizia di Stato
What data is required?
A: The following data is required by Italian police:-
First name
Last name
Gender (at this point Italian police provide only two options)
Date of birth
Place of birth
Place of residence
ID document type
ID document number
Place where the document was issued
In addition, the following data is required by the Italian Statistical Agency: -
Purpose for the trip
Means of transport
What happens if I don’t want to provide the requested information?
A: It is a legal requirement for a host to submit your data to the Italian police. If your host fails to do so, the penalties are really high and the host risks up to 3 months jail sentence. If you don’t want to provide the required information, then it’s better that you don’t book your trip to Italy.
If you already have your accommodation booked, the host might be forced to cancel your booking. -
Can I register my data directly at the police?
A: No, the data has to be submitted by the host. -
As a person who made a booking, do I need to provide the information about other people I’m travelling with?
A: If you made a booking and you are also travelling, then you should provide your own data and the data for any minor you are responsible for. Other adults should provide their own data and the data for minors they are responsible for.
If you just made a booking, but you are not travelling (you made a booking for someone else), then you should not provide your own data. In other words, the information is required only about those travelling to Italy. -
Who has access to my data?
A: Your host, the Italian Ministry of Interior and Your.Rentals employees. -
How is my personal information secured and kept safe?
A: The following measures have been put in place to safeguard your data:-
The web page where you are asked to fill out the registration form is using SSL connection. SSL is a standard technology for securing an internet connection by encrypting data sent between a website and a browser (or between two servers). It prevents hackers from seeing or stealing any information transferred.
The only access to the web page where you are asked to fill out the registration form is:
- through the booking details/confirmation page that uses a booking token (encrypted booking reference) and that is only shared with the guest who made the reservation (the host doesn’t have access to that page)
- with the direct link that only your fellow travellers know and have shared with you. -
Apart from your full name, the information you provide is not visible or accessible to other guests.
To log in to our system and access your data, your host has to go through the 2-factor authentication process.
We send the data to the Italian Ministry of Interior using a secured SSL connection and this communication is authenticated with connection credentials.
The following data is deleted from our system the moment it is successfully transmitted to the Italian Ministry of Interior: Document ID type, Document ID number and Place where the document was issued
How is my data processed and where is it stored?
At 11 pm on the check-in date your data is automatically sent to the Italian Ministry of Interior database. Your host might trigger manual submission earlier than that. Your data is stored on a server in Frankfurt, Germany. -
For how long is my data stored?
If the booking is not cancelled, we keep your data until we successfully send it to the Italian Police. After that, it is permanently deleted from our system.
If the trip is cancelled, any data that has been collected will be immediately deleted from our system. We will also send a request to Italian Ministry of Interior to delete the data. -
Who should I contact if I feel that my privacy is being violated?
You can contact your host for further clarification. After that, you can also contact Italian Data Protection Agency. In your own country you can also contact Data Protection Agency or your lawyer. -
What is the latest time when I can provide my information?
The latest the host should send your data to the Ministry is 6 hours after your check-in. However, you should ideally provide your information before that to avoid your host potentially cancelling your booking or preventing you from accessing the property. -
Instead of filling the data online, can I provide my information directly to the host? Either when I arrive to the property or via email, SMS, or similar?
A: In principle yes. In practice, make sure that you agree with the host about how and when you will provide the necessary information. It is very important that the host agrees to your suggestion, as otherwise they might cancel your booking or prevent you from accessing the property. -
I travel in a group. Will the person who made a booking, or other group members see my data?
A: The person who made a booking and/or other fellow travellers will see your name in the list of registered guests if you have completed the registration form. They will not see the other personal data that you have provided. -
I have a criminal record, or/and have been convicted in my past. Will my host and my fellow travellers know about it?
A: No, they will not know. The system is only taking your data and forwarding it to the Italian Ministry of Interior. There is no feedback mechanism in place, meaning that your host (and your fellow travellers) will not get a police report about you from the Ministry.