What happens if a guest cancels a confirmed booking?
In the event that a Guest cancels a confirmed booking, you'll be notified by email and will receive a Payout according to the terms of your Guest Cancellation Policy.
If a Guest cancels a booking:
You will immediately receive a notification of the cancellation by email.
The booking will show as Cancelled in the Bookings overview page
The Booking details page will be updated with the following information: Status: Canceled by Guest
Payout information will be updated to show you the Payout amount that you will receive based upon your Guest Cancellation Policy.
Your Payout will be processed 1 day after the booking check-in date.
The booking will be removed from your Calendar.
The dates in your Calendar will automatically be open for booking.
If you export your Calendar to other calendars, the dates will become available in those calendars.
Extenuating Circumstances
There may be cases where a booking becomes subject to Extenuating Circumstances due to reasons which prevent or prohibit completion of the reservation.
For example:
Government travel restrictions
Declared emergencies and epidemics
Military actions and other hostilities
Natural disasters
If a booking is determined to be subject to Extenuating Circumstances the guest is entitled to a full refund for the booking if they choose to cancel. They will be required to provide documentation to prove that they are unable to travel due to circumstances beyond their control.
Where possible, we will always try to arrange a Rebooking or Credit for the guest in order to save the booking, though the final decision on this rests with the guest.