How do I share my listing with someone else?

Sometimes you want to be able to share their Your.Rentals listing with other people so that you can work together. Perhaps you're a property manager and would like to allow the owner of the property to understand how it's being run, or maybe you need to keep maintenance or housekeeping staff up to date on when guests will be around. Or perhaps you're not the only person with an interest in the property, and you want your family members or coworkers to be able to help you manage it.
Regardless of your situation, you're able to give certain permissions to people of your choosing. We call these people Collaborators. You can allow Collaborators to view calendars, block dates or receive notifications when bookings are received.
This article explains how to invite a collaborator and how to choose which permissions you would like to give them.
🎉 NEW: Customise your Collaborator appearance with your own logo and branding
Adding a collaborator
To add a collaborator, select Collaborators from the options menu, or go to your Profile Page and select Collaborators on the left hand side.
Click Invite new collaborator
Enter your collaborator's contact details. They will need to accept the invitation to collaborate with you, so make sure that these details are correct.
Select which listings you would like to share with your collaborator. You can either choose specific listings, or share all your listings with them. Be aware that by choosing Share all my listings, any new listings that you add in the future will be automatically shared with your collaborator. If you might be adding properties in the future that you don't want this collaborator to be able to access, you should not select this option.
Choosing Permissions
Choose the permissions you would like for your collaborator. You can give them View Only access, which means they will only be able to view the calendar and upcoming bookings for the listing(s) selected, or you can allow them to View & Edit.
If you choose View & Edit, your collaborator will be able to view the calendar, as well as Add bookings and Block dates. They will also be able to remove any bookings or dates that they have added themselves.
However, they will not be able to remove or change any bookings that they did not add. You are still responsible for keeping your calendar up to date. You can edit or remove any bookings or blocked dates added by your collaborator at any time.
Collaborators cannot view rates & discounts, edit the listing or property details, view any of your account information or view any properties that you don't invite them to.
You can also allow your collaborator to receive booking notifications. This means they will receive an email when bookings are confirmed or cancelled.
What happens next?
Your Collaborator will receive an email invitation to join Your.Rentals as a collaborator. If they do not accept this invitation within 5 days, you will need to send it again by following the procedure above. You can edit your collaborator's permissions or remove them at any time.
Your Collaborator will be able to view the calendar for your selected listings. Depending on which permissions you gave them, they may also be able to add bookings, block dates and receive notifications when bookings are added. You can manage these settings in your Collaborator settings page.
What should I tell my Collaborator?
You should always inform a Collaborator before you send them an invite. Otherwise, they may disregard the message. We also recommend customising your Collaborator page with your own logo and colour scheme so that they know who they are working with when they receive the invite. Read more about that below 👇
We have prepared a short help guide for Collaborators, which you may wish to send them.
Customise Collaborator
To make your collaboration even more professional, you can add your own logo and colour scheme to the calendar, and you can select the image for the Collaborator sign up page so that clients and colleagues know exactly who they're working with when you invite them.