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  2. Managing Your Guests

Guest Reviews

How do I view and respond to reviews from guests?

Reviews from previous guests are one of the most influential factors that help future guests decide which properties to book.

When you receive a guest review, either for a direct booking or from a supported sales channel, you'll be able to see and respond to that review directly in Your.Rentals.

How do I view guest reviews?

Select "Guest Reviews" from the "Guests" menu bar.

When guests leave a review, this will be displayed here, alongside details about the relevant booking.

Reviews from Sales Channels

Sales channels use different formats for their reviews. That means that the information provided might be different depending on which channel the booking was made through. For example, some channels ask guests to rate specific categories, others may use written text. Some channels may not provide the name of the guest, or may not indicate the booking ID.

Not all channels currently support reviews in Your.Rentals. We are continuously working with our channel partners to make reviews from all channels available in Your.Rentals.

How do the rating scales work?

We use a standardised format for overall ratings.

For example, some channels ask guests to rate their stay on a scale of 1-5, others use a 1-10 scale. We convert everything into a scale of 1-5 so it's easy to understand and compare.

How do I respond to reviews?

When a guest leaves a review, it's a good idea to respond to show that you care about their experience. This is true for both positive and negative reviews.

When you respond to a review in Your.Rentals, your response will be public. That means that wherever your review is displayed, your response will also be visible. If you need to message the guest privately, use the Messages feature, or reach out to our support team if you can't contact the guest.